Acupuncture and Chronic Pain
Jean “Acupuncture” Starr
-Dr. Tubbs,
This is a short note to let you know that I was absolutely amazed with my recent acupuncture! All I could think of when acupuncture was mentioned was a long Chinese needle coming at me! LOL Boy, was I wrong! My neck hurt due to an old injury(??) that the MRI showed. So, as the pain wouldn’t go away, I decided to let you “poke” me! Never thought it would be so easy and so painless! And, before I left your office, I was turning my neck with no pain! My neck feels so much better and it makes me feel better! Now, I am ready to have my lower back done! I have had protruding disks in my lower back for years-hurts to bend, sweep, mop, etc. So, if anyone is reading this-GO FOR THE ACUPUNCTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jean Starr
Retired Kindergarten Teacher
Acupuncture (a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, or TCM) is a practice 3,500 years older than traditional Western medicine. It works by applying needles, heat, and pressure to specific points on the body. The theory is that invigorating these points releases or redirects the body’s natural energy known as chi or qi because illness and pain come from blockages or imbalances of this vital life force.
Does it Work?
According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), a number of studies suggest that acupuncture works particularly well on chronic pain such as back and neck pain; osteoarthritis/knee pain; and headache. It often reduces the incidence and severity of tension headaches and may prevent migraines. “Therefore,” the NIH concludes, “acupuncture appears to be a reasonable option for people with chronic pain to consider.”

A review article that appeared in Practical Pain Management found that pain relief with acupuncture comes from inactivating the source of pain by modulating endorphin levels. These authors also reported on the benefits of acupuncture for temporomadibular joint disorder (TMD).
Often patients will see their acupuncturist on a regular basis, simply to maintain a feeling of general well being. Despite the fact that the procedure is performed by inserting hair-thin needles into various parts of the body, acupuncture is considered non-invasive and gentle.
Pain Syndromes treated with Acupuncture by Dr. Ricky Tubbs includes:
Other Syndromes treated with Acupuncture by Dr. Ricky Tubbs:
Dr. Tubbs has been doing Acupuncture for many years. Initial treatment is directed at relief through Auricular (Ear) Acupuncture.

Acupuncture and Performance
If you a weekend warrior, a very active individual or an amateur or professional athlete, do you sometimes push your body to the extreme? Do you hone your skills and technique in order to become a healthier, stronger, faster and more agile athlete?
In the sporting world, injury may occur as we push beyond our limits. We may overtrain, creating health and performance compromise now, and in the future.
In today’s hectic lifestyle, we often do not allow adequate time to heal and recover from exercise. We use painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications to dull the aches and pains and reduce the must needed immune response associated with inflammation.
In short term, medication may enable you to return to your sport, and carry on with your life, but in the long run, it may make your problem worse or inhibit recovery.. Regular use of medication may add to further injury, and have unwanted side effects that could greatly impact performance, endurance and vitality.
Acupuncture is a time-tested (over 3000 years old), safe, natural and drug-free health care system that can provide immediate relief, healing and long-lasting benefits. It can help return to peak performance by restoring the proper and continuous flow of vital energy, called Qi (pronounced “chee”).
Qi circulates within a series of pathways called Meridians. Meridians disperse Qi throughout your body, providing noursihment (oxygen, nutrients, growth factors, healing cells) for every tissue, muscle and tendon. The circulating Qi supports, stregthens, and enlivens your entire body, supplying you with the power to perform, good health and pain-free living.
As an athlete, you may experiance physical trauma, sprain, over-exertion, repetitive injuryand emotional stress. All of these disrupt the flow of Qi in various ways.
Imagine a blockage in a hose that cuts off the valuable supply of water to a plant. The proper flow and quantity of water required in order for the plant to reach its fullest potential. Over time, it will wither and waste away.
Likewise, if the flow of Qi is disrupted, blocked or out-of-balance, it will not circulate freely within your meridian pathways. When this occurs, it can lead to a variety of symptoms and signs including, pain, swelling, stiffness, limited range of motion and fatigue. This can result in less-than optimal health and may ultimately hinder your academic, athletic and employment performance.
Acupuncture can provide a competitive edge, leading to improved performance. It is also a viable therapy in the treatment of acute sprains, strains, tendonitis, and pains.
This ancient and effective form of health care can reduce swelling, improve range of motion, strengthen your muscles, speed recovery time and address any underlying health issues that could contribute to future injury. Acupuncture can help create a healthier, stronger, faster and more agile you.